According to the police officials, the suspect, later identified as 22-year-old Kaneiah, was taken into custody and later charged with...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said the mother, later identified as 41-year-old Ashley, was taken into custody after she gave birth on the...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the court documents, the defendant, later identified as 30-year-old Michael, was sentenced to 25 years to life for...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said that mom and dad of newborn baby left the child fighting for his life after they reportedly...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the police officials, the 35-year-old divorced single mother, Kimberly, reportedly killed her 9-year-old daughter Eliana and her 7-year-old...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the court documents, the defendant, 26-year-old Kendel, was sentenced to 27 years in prison for killing 24-year-old Robert...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the police officials, the 41-year-old mother, later identified as Pamela, was arrested and later charged with theft, by...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said the 20-year-old woman, Aliesia, was arrested and later charged with criminal homicide, attempted criminal homicide, aggravated assault...
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