Saturday, February 22, 2025

City to smoke-test wastewater lines in residential area

WACO, TX – The City of Waco plans to smoke-test wastewater lines Saturday in a residential neighborhood in the area of Waco Regional Airport to identify inflow and infiltration sources.

The testing is scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the residential area north of Flat Rock Road, south of China Spring Road., and east of Tree Lake Drive.

Residents have been notified.

Crews will open manholes in the area and then pump a non-toxic smoke into the system to identify leaks and other potential problems.

“The smoke is manufactured for this purpose, leaves no residue or stains, and has no effect on plant or animal life,” the city said.

Smoke rarely enters homes or buildings during testing, but if it does, it may mean vents connected to sewer pipes are improperly installed; drain traps may be dry, improperly installed or missing, or that pipes, connections and seals of wastewater drain systems in and under buildings are damaged, have missing plugs or are improperly installed.

Should smoke enter a home during the testing the city advises residents to contact a plumber.

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