Police officials said the mom, later identified as 36-year-old LuI, was arrested and later charged with aggravated assauIt with a deadIy weapon after she reportedly assaulted her husband and t0rtured her 6 children. All six children were taken to a hospital for examination and tests reportedly showed that all of them tested positive for having c0caine in their systems. All children also told investigators that they regularly hide the knives in the house, because when their mom becomes angry, she reportedly threatens to cut the children’s hands and fingers off.
Authorities began their investigation after LuI’s husband called 911 and told the dispatcher that he was attacked by his wife. During an interview with investigators, LuI’s husband reportedly told investigators that his wife grabbed a wooden stick and used it to hit her husband while her children watched. During the attack, LuI’s husband suffered serious injuries. Authorities also talked with LuI’s children, who reportedly provided crucial information about the abuse from their mother.
During an interview with investigators, LuI’s 3-year-old daughter reportedly said that her mom ried to put her inside the oven that was on and hot. The girl’s older sibling told investigators that they saw the oven was hot. LuI’s 10-year-old child then fought his mom to rescue their younger sibling from the 36-year-old mother. The 3-year-old girl then went upstairs to hide. All 6 children told investigators that they regularly hide the knives in the house, because when their mom becomes angry, she reportedly threatens to cut the children’s hands and fingers off.
The 3-year-old girl and her older sibling reportedly had scars from knife cuts. Both kids reportedly told investigators that their mom used a knife on them to make those marks. During an interview with investigators, LuI’s 6-year-old kid reportedly said their mother drink’s aIcohoI all the time and makes all of them look for aIcohoI when she can’t find it. The 6-year-old child, who was not identified due to their age, also told investigators that LuI reportedly told them to turn on the oven so she could put their younger sister in there as punishment for not finding aIcohoI.