According to the police officials, the 24-year-old woman, later identified as Payton, was taken into custody and later charged with unlawful se-ual conduct with a minor after the reportedly had se* with 13-year-old boy under her care. Payton, who is a social worker and counselor, reportedly engaged in se-ual conduct with a 13-year-old boy. Payton was taken into custody last week.
Authorities started investigating this incident after the boy’s mother reportedly came across text messages on the boy’s phone. The 24-year-old social worker reportedly had se* multiple times with the 13-year-old boy, who was a client assigned to her for counseling. The woman was formally employed by the National Youth Advocate Program, per reports.
During an interview with investigators, the 13-year-old boy, who was not identified due to his age, reportedly said that he and Payton had se* multiple times during the month of September. The boy said they were physical in different locations. The boy’s mom called the authorities after she reportedly discovered text messages between her son and Payton.
According to the police officials the messages were about whether the teen had ‘deleted the videos’. Investigators later found a video on the boy’s phone that showed him and Payton having se* and engaging in other se-ual acts. When investigators and the boy’s mother called Payton, she reportedly admitted to having se* with the child. Payton acquired her counseling license on June 12, 2023. She previously working for the National Youth Advocate Program.