Police officials said the mom, later identified as 36-year-old LuI, was arrested and later charged with aggravated assauIt with a...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the court documents, the mom, later identified as 51-year-old Ruth, was convicted and now faces a mandatory life...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the court documents, the 31-year-old caretaker, later identified as AIysia, is now facing the death penaIty for her...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said the 37-year-old dad, Jacob, and his 33-year-old wife, Mimy, were taken into custody and later charged with...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the police officials, the mom's boyfriend, later identified as Javier, and the boy's mother, later identified as Maria,...
Read moreDetailsAccording to the court documents, the trans woman, Maria, will not serve prison time after se-ually abusing baby girl while...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said the 38-year-old man, later identified as Richard, was arrested and later charged with mansIaughter, assauIt in the...
Read moreDetailsPolice officials said the husband, later identified as 53-year-old Molses, was arrested and later charged with first-degree murder after he...
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